10 Best Baby Strollers of 2023, According to Testing

Join the millions that have trusted Beststorereview.com to help them make smarter buying decisions. Let our independent expert reviews and data-driven shopping recommendations help you find the stroller that’s right for you.




Graco Modes Stroller

  • 3-in-1 car seat, infant, and toddler stroller
  • 50 lbs weight limit
  • 4 position reclining seat
  • Foldable and compact
  • Convertible 3- or 5-point safety harness

Picked by 521 people this month!




Save 13%

Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller

  • Jogger stroller
  • 50 lbs weight limit
  • Lockable front swivel wheel
  • Foldable and compact
  • 5-point safety harness



Summer Infant 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

  • Lightweight stroller
  • 50 lbs weight limit
  • 4 position reclining seat
  • Foldable and compact
  • 5-point safety harness



Summer Infant Convenience Stroller

  • Lightweight stroller
  • 45 lbs weight limit
  • Multiple position recline
  • Foldable and compact
  • 5-point safety harness



GB Pocket Lightweight Stroller

  • Lightweight stroller
  • 55 lbs weight limit
  • Lockable wheels
  • Foldable and compact
  • 3-point safety harness



Delta Children North Star Stroller

  • Lightweight stroller
  • 40 lbs weight limit
  • Includes removable carry-all organizer
  • Foldable and compact
  • 3-point safety harness



Save 8%

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller

  • Lightweight stroller
  • 40 lbs weight limit
  • Multi-position reclining seat
  • Foldable
  • 5-point safety harness



Baby Trend EZ Travel System Stroller

  • Jogger stroller and car seat combo
  • 50 lbs weight limit
  • Dual front wheels for maneuverability
  • Foldable and compact
  • 5-point safety harness



Inglesina Quid Baby Stroller

  • Travel stroller
  • 50 lbs weight limit
  • Multi-position recline
  • Foldable and compact
  • Full-cover extendable UPF 50+ canopy and rain cover



Baby Trend Expedition LX Travel System

  • 2-position reclining seat
  • Adjustable 5-point safety harness
  • 50 lb max weight
  • Car seat/stroller combo
  • Weighs 41.5 lbs

Our Top Choice




Graco Modes Stroller

  • 3-in-1 car seat, infant, and toddler stroller
  • 50 lbs weight limit
  • 4 position reclining seat
  • Foldable and compact
  • Convertible 3- or 5-point safety harness

Picked by 521 people this month!

About Our Rankings:

Our recommendations are based on expert comparisons between available products in each product category. For strollers, we chose the topics that we think matter most to our users, and provide consise, clear comparisons of the features that matter. Our rankings change day-to-day based on our proprietary algorithms, that crunch data to identify top-performing products and tailor recommendations to exactly what our readers are looking for.


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Stroller Buyer's Guide

No matter how you look at it, strollers are an essential item when you’re expecting a newborn. You might think your baby-holding skills are enough to get by without one, but reality just doesn’t work that way. From grocery shopping to walking around the park, or any other activity on-the-go, strollers just make life easier. Whether you have a tight budget or you’re planning to spend a little more for a luxurious stroller ride, you have plenty of options to find the perfect stroller for your family.

It can be a little overwhelming to choose the best stroller on the market, especially when you’re inundated with other baby items like toys, cribs, car seats, and more. It’s okay to not be a complete expert on the ins and outs of a stroller, so we’re here to help guide you to picking your next purchase. If you’re ready to take a look at our top ten stroller picks, just scroll up the page and easily compare between our favorites.

Strollers to Make You Mobile Again

If you’re tired of being cooped up all day because you don’t have a good way to get around with a baby or toddler, strollers can open up your world to a whole realm of added mobility. Even for small walks around the neighborhood, a stroller is a game-changer. Sure, we all want to be muscular moms and dads who can easily carry kids everywhere with our Hulk-like strength…but sometimes your arms just need a break.

For families with more than one little one, strollers are essential. Anyone who’s had to convince a four-year-old to keep walking after they decide they’re done knows that this is a nearly impossible task. Strollers serve as a backup plan to get you and your family moving, no matter how tired the kiddos are.

The Different Types of Strollers

As with every other big purchase, you’re going to come across tons of options for strollers. Some will meet your needs while others will be less than ideal for your family. First, it’ll help to understand each stroller type and their benefits — since each one serves a specific purpose, you’ll be able to pinpoint the exact type of stroller you’ll need for your afternoon strolls.

Full-Sized Stroller

Navigating through city streets, along cramped sidewalks, and trying to get from Point A to Point B, all while having a dependable and safe stroller can be like finding a needle in a haystack. When you’re carrying around full-size diaper bags, your own purse, a new change of clothes, and more, you’ll want a stroller that can fully handle your busy life.

Full-sized strollers aren’t designed to be the lightest, but rather ones that can double as their own practical (obviously non-motorized) vehicle. So how do you look for the best full-sized stroller?

First, make sure that your child fits the stroller weight requirements. Even with all the newest and best features out on the market, if your stroller is too small for your child, that extra mesh netting won’t matter in the least.

If you’re purchasing a full-sized stroller for an infant younger than 6 months who isn’t able to hold themselves up yet, you’ll need a stroller that can recline fully. For these cases, this stroller won’t be in use until your infant starts sitting up and holding their head up, meaning that your full-sized stroller will need to find a good spot in some hideaway closet for a few months.

Then, prioritize which features you want out of your next stroller. Do you need easy steering, added storage, luxurious comfort for baby, more rugged construction for unpaved paths, or something else? Once you have an idea in your head of what you’d like in your stroller, you can search for the full-sized strollers that match your requirements.

A full-sized stroller can roll with your child from baby stages to toddler steps, so a good investment in a stroller like this will last for years to come. The best strollers will come with shock absorption (so as not to wake the baby when you hit a bump), adjustable handles for parents of different heights, canopies, tough wheels, and more.

Full-sized strollers can take up more space due to its more practical storage options, so consider this with the modes of transportation you’ll be using, space in your home, and more.

Umbrella or Lightweight Stroller

Perhaps the most lightweight and portable stroller option, an umbrella stroller is best for travel, portability, and easy maneuverability. This is a great choice for the parent who’ll be in an out of public transit like buses and trains since you can easily move the stroller around to fit in those smaller spaces.

Due to the limited structural materials in a lightweight umbrella stroller, these are best for babies who are able to hold their heads up. If the umbrella stroller reclines all the way back, it may be able to support an infant younger than 6 months, but be sure to check with the stroller’s manual to ensure it can offer the structure and support that your infant needs as they’re growing new muscles.

To find the best umbrella stroller, you’ll want one that easily folds up — some can even be folded up with just the touch of a button. Some features include a peak-a-boo window, where you can check on your baby or toddler without needing to stop your walk. An easy one-step brake frees your hands while you make impromptu stops.

Anyone searching for a stroller that is easy to move around and carry will want to look for an umbrella stroller that weighs less while still providing enough stability and structure to safely transport your child. Typically, an aluminum frame is the best choice for umbrella strollers thanks to its light profile and sturdy construction.

Jogging Stroller

You don’t need to sacrifice your running or hiking routine just because of the little ones. In fact, they’d love to join you! A jogging stroller is built to move with you, giving you your freedom back as you add even more strength training to your running regiment.

A good jogging stroller should have a smooth suspension system and should be extremely easy to maneuver on those tricky running routes. You should be able to either lock the front tire or let it swivel. With a locked front wheel, this means that it won’t be swiveling freely, keeping you and your stroller in a straight line as you run. This will better control the stroller, guaranteeing a smoother run for you and your baby.

Jogging strollers will not compromise with safety, as you’ll be running at a faster speed than just a simple walk. Each one will have three rugged tires, an adjustable handle for parents to run comfortably, a wrist strap so you’re always connected with the stroller as you run, a hand brake, and should have a five-point harness system. The seats of a jogging stroller should be a bit deeper and more reclined — you don’t want your baby to be sitting on their stroller as if they’re on a bucking bronco.

Buying a jogging stroller online can feel like a risk since you won’t be taking the stroller out on a test-drive, so check the user reviews for parent input and honest opinions. You’ll see how real experience lines up with the product description.

Then, as for any stroller, make sure that your jogging stroller has a reliable return policy that gives you enough time to try out the stroller and see if you can run comfortably with it. As an athlete, you usually don’t know how a fitness product will hold up until you take it out for a spin.

Car Seat Carrier

The best option for infants younger than 6 months, a car seat carrier stroller works as a wagon for your car seat. Your car seat can easily snap into the stroller, allowing for a simple, fuss-free transition from the car to a walk outside.

To find the most ideal choice for you and your family, measure the dimensions of your car storage. This will be where your car seat carrier stroller will be placed while you’re on the go, and you’ll be unfolding it when you’re ready to start walking around. Make sure that the car seat carrier stroller is easy to fold, only requires a simple setup to secure the car seat, and can turn and steer without any complications. With the best car seat carrier strollers, your baby might not even wake up as you move them from the car to the walking stroller.

Double Stroller

Double strollers can be a godsend when you have more than one kiddo who is ready for a sit-down exploration through the city or park. Children can sit either side-by-side or in front of each other, depending on your preference.

Have a narrow doorway? You might want a double stroller that lets kids sit in front of one another. Want better turning and control? Side-by-side double strollers are usually easier to turn and steer since the center of gravity is localized.

For modern families, double strollers have evolved to include double jogging strollers, double umbrella strollers, and more, meaning you can still get the benefit of good suspension or lightweight frames will still include more than one child at a time. Double strollers might not be the best option if you’re looking for a less bulky or easy-to-fold stroller since these will always have more materials to wrestle with on a daily basis.

However, when you have more than one little one wanting to get pushed along during city walks, a double stroller is a must-have.

Stroller Pricing

Sure, you can find a $1,300 stroller with Gucci logos and fine stitching on the hand-made leather handles, but you can also find a practical stroller that works how you want it for under $100. With such a wide price range, going into the stroller market with a budget in mind, features prioritized, and the type of stroller that you have your eye on will help you feel less overwhelmed by the hundreds of options out on the market.

Our top choices range from under $100 to $400, all priced according to their features, versatility, and recommended usage. You’ll see those travel systems, or car seats plus compatible strollers, are priced higher than an umbrella or full-sized stroller. Travel systems double in use and typically function for kids aged from infants to toddlers. They give you a car seat and stroller, so your money is going to multiple products that are perfect for your baby. Keep this in mind as you see those higher price tags.

As a new or experienced parent, it can feel incredibly daunting to see all the new products you’ll need for your baby. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, confidently go into the stroller shopping journey knowing exactly what you need without settling for the first one you see on the market.

To offer up our personal top picks, we’ve compared and reviewed the top 10 baby strollers — these can help you narrow down your choices so you can easily find the stroller that works best for you and your family. Take a look, read through the features, and start strollin’ down the street in no time!

Trusting our Top Pick

Navigating the many choices for every consumer purchase can be challenging. Our team spends hours doing research, combing through forums, and reading consumer reviews on even the most basic of household items, and we summarize that information in clear, precise comparisons. Join the millions that have trusted BuyersGuide.org to help them make smarter buying decisions. We help our readers spend their money wisely and find the right product to suit their specific needs. Our independent expert reviews and data-driven shopping recommendations empower you to find the stroller that’s right for you.

What Sets Us Apart?

We leverage user data to understand decision-making and put the best products in front of each user. We tailor our comparisons to what matters to our user’s needs, specific or broad. We keep our content up to date, we are constantly looking for new merchants and products to compare, and we are quick to remove any that are outdated or no longer meeting our standards. Our rankings change day-to-day based on our proprietary algorithms, that crunch data to identify top-performing products and tailor recommendations to exactly what our readers are looking for. Have a question or want to make a recommendation? We love to hear from our readers and are always looking for new products to include on our site. Get in touch!